
How to Prevent Sink Clogs

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Sink Clogs are some of the most common plumbing related problems that businesses and households can face. They can be quite disruptive and frustrating; and they may even result in severe plumbing issues if not dealt with promptly. The good news is that taking precautions can spare homeowners from the trouble and cost of managing blockages. This article will give you some guidance on sink clogs, from detection to prevention, so that your plumbing setup stays in top notch shape.

Simple Hack to Avoid Sink Stoppages

To start, we recommend watching this short video that showcases a simple hack to help you avoid sink stoppages.

Understanding the Common Causes of Sink Clogs

To prevent sink blockages effectively it’s important to know the reasons:

  • Hair Buildup – Hair is one of the most common causes of clogs in bathroom sinks.  Hair can combine with soap scum and other dirt to form a blockage in the drain.  A common misconception is that only long hair can cause sink clogs.  However, in reality, hair of any size can bind with other elements and contribute to the blockage.  
  • Food and Grease Accumulation – Kitchen sinks are often clogged by food particles and grease buildup.
  • From Soap and Minerals – The combination of soap residue and minerals from hard water can create a solid deposit that restricts pipes and leads to clogs.
  • Foreign Objects – Items like jewelry, utensils or toys that accidentally fall into the drain can also result in sink blockages.  Construction debris is also a common culprit if you’ve recently remodeled.

Best Practices for Preventing Kitchen Sink Clogs

Here are some best practices to follow to prevent sink clogs in the kitchen.

Proper Disposal of Food Waste

  • Minimize Garbage Disposal Use – While garbage disposals can help break down food waste, they are not a catch-all solution. Avoid putting fibrous foods (like celery) and starchy items (like pasta) down the disposal as they can cause clogs.
  • Avoid Pouring Grease and Oil Down the Drain – Instead, collect grease and oil in a container and dispose of it in the trash. Grease can solidify and adhere to the inside of pipes, leading to blockages.
  • Use Sink Strainers – Sink strainers are an effective way to catch food particles before they go down the drain. Regularly empty and clean the strainer to maintain optimal performance.

Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

  • Flushing with Warm Water –  After each use run water down the drain to help clear away any grease or soap residue.
  • Natural Cleaning with Baking Soda and Vinegar – Occasionally pour a cup of baking soda followed by a cup of vinegar down the drain. Allow it to sit for 15 minutes before rinsing with water. This method aids in breaking down buildup and freshening up the drain.
  • Regularly Using Enzyme Based Drain Cleaners – Enzyme based cleaners are effective, in breaking down substances in the pipes. Follow the instructions provided to maintain drains effectively.

Best Practices for Preventing Bathroom Sink Clogs

Below are the best practices to follow to prevent sink clogs in the bathroom.

Managing Hair Accumulation

  • Minimize Hair Going Down the Drain – If you have long hair, consider brushing it often so that your hair comes off on the brush and not in the drains.  If you cut your own hair, try to avoid letting hair go into the drain.
  • Use Hair Catchers or Strainers –  Sink strainers fit over the drain and catch hair before it can enter the pipes. Clean them regularly to prevent buildup.
  • Regular Cleaning of Sink Stoppers – Hair and debris can accumulate around sink stoppers. Remove and clean the stoppers periodically to prevent clogs.

Reducing Soap Scum Buildup

  • Choosing Liquid Soap Over Bar Soap: Liquid soap is less likely to contribute to soap scum buildup compared to bar soap.  Bar soap can re-solidify in the drains and contribute to blockages.
  • Regular Cleaning of Sink Surfaces: Wipe down the sink and faucet area regularly to prevent soap scum and mineral deposits from forming.

Addressing Hard Water Issues

When you set up a water softener it can lower the mineral levels in your water, which stops soap scum and mineral buildup. To tackle mineral deposits pour vinegar down the drain let it sit for a hours then flush with hot water. Vinegar is great, for breaking down minerals and maintaining pipes.

Long-Term Maintenance Strategies

Whether you’re a property manager, business owner, or home owner, implementing a monthly drain maintenance routine can help you avoid clogged drains. Set aside time each month to perform basic drain maintenance. This includes flushing with boiling water and using preventive maintenance products designed to keep drains clear.

What to Do If a Clog Occurs

Despite your best efforts, clogs can still happen. Here’s what to do if you encounter a clogged sink:

DIY Solutions For Sink Clogs

Start with these DIY solutions to unclog your drain:

  • Plunging: A plunger can often dislodge and solve minor clogs. Ensure there is enough water in the sink to cover the plunger cup and create a seal before plunging.  
  • Using a Drain Snake: A drain snake can reach and break up clogs deeper in the pipes. Insert the snake into the drain and rotate it to catch and pull out the clog.
  • Homemade Remedies: For minor clogs, try pouring a mixture of baking soda and vinegar down the drain, followed by hot water. Alternatively, a mixture of salt and hot water can also be effective.

When to Call a Professional Plumber

If a clog persists despite your efforts, it’s time to call a professional. Persistent clogs may indicate a more serious underlying issue. Frequent clogs are a sign that there’s a problem with your plumbing system. A professional can diagnose and fix the root cause.If water is backing up in multiple drains, it may indicate a main sewer line blockage. This requires immediate professional attention.

Additional Tips and Recommendations

Here are a few additional tips to help you prevent clogs to your system:

  • Educating Household Members on Proper Sink Use: Teach everyone in your household, from the toddlers to the grandparents, about what can and cannot go down the drain. Proper usage can significantly reduce the risk of clogs.
  • Keeping an Eye on Warning Signs: Slow drainage, gurgling sounds, and unpleasant odors are all warning signs of potential clogs or other plumbing issues. Address these issues promptly to prevent major problems.
  • Avoiding Chemical Drain Cleaners: While chemical drain cleaners can be effective, they can also damage your pipes and harm the environment. Opt for natural or enzyme-based solutions instead.


Preventing sink clogs requires a combination of good habits, regular maintenance, and occasional professional assistance. By following the tips and practices outlined in this article, you can keep your sinks clog-free and ensure your plumbing system remains in top condition.  For professional help with your sink clogs and all of your other plumbing needs, contact us!