
Can You Flush Baby Wipes Down the Toilet? What Happens If You Do

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You may sometimes feel disgusted with baby wipes sitting in the waste bin, which is usually under the kitchen sink cabinet. It is quite natural if you want to simply flush them down the toilet to get rid of them quickly. However, there can always be a thought in the back of your head about potential plumbing issues arising from this practice that may cost you thousands of dollars in repairs. You will find the answers to this question in this article.  

Flushing Baby Wipes Video

Do you flush baby wipes down your toilet? If you do, believe me when I say that no matter what the package claims, flushable wipes DO NOT break down or move through pipes like toilet paper.

It’s a big FAT LIE, and here’s what it’ll cost you.

Flushable wipes accumulate in your plumbing to cause blockages and potentially massive repairs. In fact, here’s what it looks like, a flushable wipe blockage that created a $50,000 repair bill.

So, save yourself thousands of dollars and leave wipes out of your toilet.

Are Baby Wipes Flushable?

No, baby wipes are not flushable because the synthetic fiber material used in them is very durable and keeps your baby clean. When you flush down the wipes, this fiber can take weeks to disintegrate completely, unlike toilet paper, which dissolves within a day. 

Also, many manufacturers are labeling baby wipes as “flushable.” Call it a marketing gimmick or an attempt to generate more sales, but even these wipes don’t break down faster than the regular ones as advertised.   

What Happens if I Flush Baby Wipes Down the Toilet?

Continuously flushing baby wipes can have several negative consequences on your home plumbing, local government sewer infrastructure, and the environment. 

Stubborn Clogs

Because of regular flushing, wipes can pile up inside the pipes of your sewer system because, as you know by now, they break down very slowly. Worse, they cling to other debris and get caught on any bend in the plumbing pipe. This restricts the flow of water and causes slow drainage that eventually leads to backups in sinks, toilets, and showers.

Another factor is tree roots growing in the cracks of older plumbing systems. Baby wipes can get caught in these roots, and more of them getting stuck there could reduce the space needed for other materials to pass through, which blocks the flow of sewage water.  

At this stage, you may use a plunger to unclog the toilet drain, but it will only help you push a small hole through the sludge just enough to get water moving again. 

However, once that hole fills again a few times, you face a massive and toughest clog. 

Warning: In severe cases, the pressure from clogs can cause the drain pipes to crack or burst.

So, a practice that looks harmless at first can result in a plumbing emergency in a matter of months. To fix this, you need to call a professional plumbing service, which can be hard on your pocket. 

Effect on Local Government Sewer Systems

The problem doesn’t end at your home. When baby wipes make their way into the main sewer line, they can create severe blockages that lead to sewer backups that can potentially affect many households and businesses in the area.

Blocked sewer lines can also cause raw sewage to overflow into streets, yards, and basements—a recipe for health hazards. Local government workers then need to go in and clear the clogs, which not only takes time but increases the operational costs to keep everything in order. 

Adverse Environmental Consequences

Baby wipes contain synthetic fibers that break down into microplastics, which can end up in lakes, rivers, and oceans. These microplastics can contaminate drinking water sources and are harmful to marine life. Birds may also ingest them by mistaking them for food, causing sickness, starvation, and, in some cases, death. 

Wipes also contain chemicals that can leach into water bodies and harm the local ecosystem by further polluting the water. 

How Do You Get Rid of Baby Wipes?

  • Trash Disposal: The easiest way is to place a trash can with a lid near the changing area or the bathroom for convenient disposal. Baby wipes in the kitchen may stink overnight. 
  • Double Bagging: If you’re concerned about odors or mess with soiled wipes, consider putting them in double plastic bags before throwing them in the trash can.
  • Cloth Wipes: Try switching to cloth wipes made from cotton or bamboo. Buy a bunch of them so that if a few of them get dirty, you have the spares to use until the next laundry day. 


Plumbers and environmental organizations usually advise against flushing any type of baby wipes down the toilet, including the ones marketed as flushable. It is best to dispose of them in the trash to avoid potential plumbing issues and the hefty cost that comes with it.